Friday, April 5, 2013

21 of the many questions that Citipointe will be obliged to answer in a public forum if the church decides to carry out its threat to sue me for defamation.

James Ricketson
316 Whale Beach Road
Palm Beach 2108

Leigh Ramsay
322 Wecker Road
QLD 4152

5th April 2013

Dear Leigh

One of my sources within Citipointe tells me that the church will, again, threaten to sue me.  Sigh! If the rumour is true, an 18 page document will arrive from your lawyers filled with demands similar to those made in previous similar legal documents. As before, I will not meet any of Citipointe’s demands because I know that all I have written in my blog is true and that I can back it all up with audio-visual evidence.

Perhaps this time Citipointe is not bluffing. I hope this to be the case because it is time that the questions I have been asking for close to five years be asked in a forum where the combination of silence and lies employed by Citipointe will not suffice. In point form these questions will include:

(1) Why is the 31st. July ‘contract’ between Chanti and Vanna and Citipointe not countersigned by anyone from either Citipointe church and the She Rescue Home?

(2) Why does the ‘contract’ contain no terms and conditions?

(3) Does the 31st July 2008 ‘contract’ that Chanti and her mother Vanna applied their thumb prints to have any legal status at all?

If the answer to (3) is ‘no’, on what legal basis, on 31st July 2008, was Citipointe holding Rosa and Chita?

(4) Between 31st July and 11th August 2008, did Citipointe enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the church’s custody of Rosa and Chita?

(5) If such a contract was entered into, what was the basis of it? That Rosa and Chita were the daughters of poor parents who needed interim help or that they were victims of some form of abuse or of Human Trafficking?

(6) If Citipointe entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 31st July and 11th August 2008 on the basis that Rosa and Chita were victims of something, what evidence had emerged, during the previous 11 days, to change their status from the children of a poor family into victims that required close to total removal from their family?

(7) If Citipointe came into possession of information that warranted total removal of Rosa and Chita from their parents care between 31st July and 11th August 2011, was this information at any point passed on to Chanti, to Chhork (the father) or to Chanti’s  commune Chief?

(8) Is Citipointe sure that the information that altered Rosa and Chita’s status from the children of poor parents (31st July 2008) to the victims of Human Trafficking (11th August 2008) is true and accurate? This goes to the question of accountability and the right of the parents, Chanti and Chhork, to be appraised of the charges (implicit or explicit) that have been laid against them.

(9) Were Chanti and Chhork ever told, between 31st July and 11th August 2008 why Rosa and Chita had been removed from the family home until they reached 18 years of age?

(10) On 11th August 2008, when Rebecca Brewer told both Chanti and myself that Rosa and Chita would stay with Citipointe until they were 18, was this based on a legally binding agreement that Citipointe had entered into with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? (Citipointe has long ago acknowledged that at this time and for a year hence, no agreement had been entered into between Citipointe and the Ministry of Social Affairs.)

(11) Were Chanti and Chhork ever provided with a copy of the legal document/contract/agreement entered into by Citipointe and Foreign Affairs  that resulted in their daughters being removed from their care?

(12) Were Chanti and Chhol invited to comment at all, make observations about, the agreement that Citipointe had entered into with Foreign Affairs?

(13) If, between 31st  July and 11th August 2008, Citipointe had NOT entered into a legally binding agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on what legal basis was the church holding Rosa and Chita against the express wishes of their parents in August 2008?

(14) When, in Nov 2008, Chanti and Chhork (with me filming the telephone conversation) asked Citipointe for permission to take Rosa and Chita to Srey Veng  to visit both their extended families and Citipointe refused, on what legal basis was this refusal made?

I could go on with pages of such legal questions but I am sure you get the idea. For a court to make a determination as to whether or not I have defamed Citipointe, each of these questions would be addressed in some detail and Citipointe would not have the option of simply refusing to answer them as it has this past close to five years. Unless, of course, Citipointe chooses to sue me in a Cambodian court in which the definition of ‘defamation’ is very flexible indeed!

Then there are the moral questions:

(15) Why, in close to five years, has Citipointe made no contribution at all to the well-being of Chanti’s family as promised?

(16) Why, in close to five years, has Citipointe never once put in place or attempted to initiate a re-integration program for Rosa, Chita, Chanti and Chhork?

(17) Why, in close to five years, has Citipointe never once allowed Rosa and Chita to take part in any family, religious or cultural events at all?

(18) Why has Citipointe attempted (with mixed results) to indoctrinate Rosa and Chita (whose family is Buddhist) into Citipointe’s particular version of the Christian faith? (This indoctrination comes through very clearly in footage shot with Rosa and Chita this past close to five years.)

(19) What is the nature of the relationship between Citipointe and Hagar such that Hagar ‘clients;’ have no option but to attend Citipointe church services?

(20) Is it appropriate to pay Chanti 25 cents to make a bracelet that Citipointe sells for $3 – especially in light of the fact that Citipointe makes no contribution at all to the welfare of Chanti’s family?

(21) Is it appropriate that a senior Pastor of Citipointe church, a Christian (!)  should be issuing barely veiled threats to a filmmaker to have him ‘forcibly removed’, arrested, jailed and banned from visiting Cambodia again for asking questions such as the ones I am asking here?

Again, I could go on for pages but would only be repeating what I have already written in my blog. Right now my blog receives around 100 page hits a day. Not a lot. The page hit rate will increase dramatically, however, if Citipointe makes good its threat to sue me or to have me ‘forcibly removed’). And, of course, Citipointe will be providing me with tens of thousands of dollars free publicity for CHANTI’S WORLD if the church decides to actually sue me for defamation as opposed to threatening to sue me for defamation.

Another question that would probably be asked by many  readers of my blog (if not by the court) would be: “Why, given that Chhork now has a tuk tuk and the family a home in their village in Prey Veng, is Citipointe putting so much effort into PREVENTING reintegration? Why doesn’t the church simply say, “Chanti, it is great that with a bit of help from James you have managed to achieve something approaching financial security. We would love to help you and your family over the next 8 years (until Chita is 18) and this is what we would like to offer you…”

That the church does not make such an overture speaks volumes of Citipointe’s real agenda in Cambodia – unless, of course, Citipointe has some evidence that it chooses to share with no-one (and particularly not Chanti and Chhork) suggestive that Rosa and Chita would be ‘at risk’ if they were to be living with their family in Prey Veng. But if Rosa and Chita would be ‘at risk’ why are Citipointe, Chab Dai, LICADHO and the Ministryof Social Affairs not concerned about the ‘risk’ confronting Srey Ka – now roughloy the same age as Rosa and Chita were when Citipointe magically transformed them from victims of extreme poverty to victims of Human Trafficking. The questions multiply but all of those who should be insisting on answers remain mute and, in their muteness, become accessories to Citipointe’s removal of Rosa and Chita from their family’s care in a manner in which, I allege, contravenes both Cambodian and Ausatralian law. If my allegation is incorrect Citipointe has only to release the relevant legal documents to Chanti and Chhork so that they at least, are aware of why it is that for the next 8 years, their access to their daughters will be limited to between two and four hours per month.

best wishes

James Ricketson

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