Sunday, March 2, 2014

# 12 Sixth letter to Ms Sam Mostyn, President, ACFID, 25th Feb 2014

Ms Sam Mostyn
Australian Council for International Development                           

25th  Feb. 2014

Dear Ms Mostyn

Geoff Armstrong’s letter to me of 24th Feb makes it apparent that the Global Development Group is in possession of the documents that Citipointe believes has given the church the right to retain custody of Rosa and Chita this past five years against the express wishes of their parents – Chanti and Chhork.

Chanti and Chhork and I, as their advocate, have been asking to be provided with copies of these documents for five years. Both Citipointe and the Ministry of Social Affairs have refused to provide them. Now we know that GDG has copies; that the Global Development Group is satisfied that the docments do, indeed, give Citipointe the right to act they have.

I have asked Geoff Armstrong, in my letter of earlier in the day,  to provide Chanti and Chhork with copies of these contracts or agreements. The dismissive tone of Geoff’s letter to me, his total lack of interest in having any representative of GDG meet and speak with Chanti and Chhork,  suggests that he will not do so. I would be delighted to be proven wrong in this. Perhaps Geoff will, upon reflection, realize that of course Chanti and Chhork have a right to their own copies of these documents!

In the event that Geoff Armstrong, on behalf the Global Development Group, does not believe that the parents of children removed by Citipointe church have a right to be provided with such documents, the question then is:

“Does the Australian Council for International Development believe that parents whose children have been removed by an NGO have a right to be given copies of any agreements of contracts the NGO, funded by Australian tax-deductible dollars, has entered into with a government department in the country in which such a removal has occurred?”

This question is not specifically related to Chanti and Chhork but is a general one. It goes to the heart of ACFID’s Code of Conduct and has relevance to every recipient of aid from an Australian-based NGO that has signed on to the ACFID Code of Conduct? Could you please provide me with an answer to this question?

Whilst the question is a general one, it is relevant to whether or not Chanti and Chhork decide to go ahead and make a formal complaint to ACFID. If ACFID does not request of the Global Development Group that it provide copies of the documents GDG has in its possession, how can ACFID make an informed and independent decision regarding the legality or otherwise of Citipointe church’s actions in 2008? How can ACFID ever make an informed and decision regarding the legality of any NGO actions anywhere in the world if the NGO is under no obligation to provide evidence of the legality of its actions? 

best wishes

James Ricketson

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