Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Leigh, now that Citipointe church's Phnom Penh staff have given their stamp of approval to Chanti and Chhork's new home please stop playing God and release Rosa and Chita back into the care of their family today?

Leigh Ramsay
322 Wecker Road
QLD 4152

7th May 2013

Dear Leigh

Following on from my letter to you of 4th May – a letter that, like all of my letters, you have chosen to ignore.

I am in Phnom Penh now. Chanti and Chhork have come in from Prey Veng to meet me and to bring me up to date on the latest news regarding Rosa and Chita. And it is interesting news indeed.

Two representatives of Citipointe church, along with a taxi driver, travelled from Phnom Penh to Prey Veng to visit Chanti and her family in their new home. Rosa and Chita accompanied them. Unless something has been lost in translation it seems that the two Citipointe staff members were impressed with Chanti’s new home and could see no reason why Rosa and Chita should not be returned to live with their family in it. Before a final decision is made, however, Citipointe’s Phnom Penh staff have to check with you – the Boss. The process of checking with you, however, may take a couple of months.

The couple of months wait comes, of course, as no surprise at all to me. Yet another stalling tactic on the part of Citipointe in the vain hope that I will lose interest and leave Citiponte to its own nefarious devices – with no interference at all from MOSAVY. How many times, over the past close to five years, has Citipointe made such promises to Chanti and Chhork- each and every promise being as hollow as the last and each one breaking the hearts of the parents of the girls you stole. This is to be expected of Citipointe.  However, this is not what is of interest here.

Both you and Pastor Mulheran (he who ‘sincerely’ does not want me to be ‘forcibly removed’!) have gone to great lengths to explain to me over the years that the decision to either return or not return Rosa and Chita to the care of their family is not Citipointe’s to make but a decision to be made on the Ministry of Social Affairs. If this is so, then why have Citipointe staff told Chanti that they are waiting on a decision from you? If it is true that the decision is one to be made by MOSAVY, why was no MOSAVY representative present when Citipointe inspected Chanti and Chhork’s new home?

I do not expect an answer to this question. Citipionte has answered no questions at all this past close to five years – relying as it does on an incompetent MOSAVY and a quiescent English language press not to ask any questions at all.  You play God in all this – acquiring young girls to feed your money making scam and then releasing them back into their communities and families when it suits you.

It does seem as though there has been a change of heart within MOSAVY – that there is a broom sweeping the organization clean and demanding accountability of NGOs such as Citipointe’s She Rescue Home. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a new era in which NGOs will be held accountable for their actions and not be allowed to behave as they choose with total impunity – inducing the materially impoverished parents of young girls to signing their daughters into the care of sham ‘orphanages’ and ‘Rescue Homes’ in much the same way as brothel owners do. It is to be hoped that Chab Dai and LICADHO might also follow MOSAVY and start demanding transparency and accountability from NGOs. Here is one question to add to my already long list that Chab Dai and LICADHO might like to ask of Citipointe:

How many sponsors are there for Rosa and Chita and how much money have they, this past close to five years, contributed to the swelling of Citipointe’s coffers.

If neither Chab Dai nor LICADHO will ask such a question, why? The same goes for the English language press in Cambodia? Why does it go soft on Chab Dai and LICADHO and not demand of these organizations answers to questions that go to the very heart of the efficacy or otherwise of aid from the international donor community to Cambodia?

When I do meet with the police this week there is really only one question I am interested in talking about and, hopefully, getting an answer to. It is not my ‘version’ of events that is relevant in this matter – as subjective as is Citipointe’s. It is my assertion, my allegation, that Citipointe had no legal right, in mid 2008, to remove Rosa and Chita from the care of their parents Chanti and Chhork. If Citipointe had not entered into a legal contract with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 31st July 2008 and 11th August 2008, I will ask the police to charge Citipointe with kidnapping. If the police are reticent to do so, I will ask why. That Citipointe was provided with retrospective permission to have removed Rosa and Chita by MOSAVY 15 months later does not make Citipointe’s actions legal. Indeed, tis retrospective permission raises the questions of who, within MOSAVY, gave the church retrospective permission to steal Chant and Chhork’s daughters and why.

As I am sure you have gathered by now, I will not let this matter rest until Rosa and Chita have been returned to the care of their family –along with appropriate restitution for the pain and suffering caused to Chanti and Chhork (and Rosa and Chita) this past close to five years as a result of what I allege to be the illegal removal of these girls from the care of their family. If there is even one scintilla of truth to Citipointe’s public assertions that it helps entire families (despite having given no help to Chanti’s family this past close to five years) now is the time to put your money where your mouth is and commit the church, in writing, to precisely what Citipointe is prepared to do to help Chanti’s entire family over the next five years. If the answer is ‘nothing’, so be it.

Finally, Leigh, let’s have no more of this nonsense about the decision to return Rosa and Chita to the care of their family being a decision to be made by MOSAVY. It is your decision and yours alone and you should release the girls back into the care of their family today. And if you are not prepared to do so you should give Chanti and Chhork, myself, MOSAVY and the police investigating this matter a reason why.

best wishes

James Ricketson

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